Sunday, 23 March 2014

When does Shenanigans become FRAUD ?

Deal Town Council Finance Records for the past year have been publish online for a few weeks now.
Having taken much time scrutinising them, I (and others who have viewed them )  cannot find any reference to the £45,000 compensation pay out to Mrs Lin Dykes (former town clerk) As reported in both The East Kent Mercury & The Dover Express Newspapers. (or any reference to a sum of £45,000)
I now find that  '' Town and Parish Councils appear exempt from independent Government audits by central Government unlike District and County Councils.  
Regardless of whether this is the case and the council does not have to disclose this type of award, it does not mean the council can manipulate and falsify figures to hide the amount spent in the 'Lin Dykes Case'. I think you will find that it would only gives them  the right to put  an 'exempt' in the box where you would usually state what the payment  was for.
The method of avoiding disclosure shows one thing very clearly.
1, The public records are not accurate. (They are a lie)
2) Deal Town Council Finance must have deliberately falsified the figures by pretending they had spent more on other things.
3) If they can publicly lie and hide £47,000 in one finance year, what else are they lying about  and what else are they doing with public funds and what other figures have they falsified  to lose tens of thousands of pounds.
When does shenanigans become fraud?
Wrongful or criminal  deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
The question has to be asked is anyone gaining?
I would say that the four Councillors involved are gaining credibility of judgement which in turn allows them to gain respect and trust therefore leaving them in a position to falsify documents and get away with writing things on public record at Deal Town Hall that do not tell the truth of the matter.

3 of the Councillors have been named
Councillor Marlene Burnham
Councillor Ian Killberry
Councillor Kath Blackburn.

The fourth Councillor is rumoured to be Eileen Rowbotham who is recorded as leaving a council meeting with Councillor Blackburn. This meeting was of a confidential nature and subject to public exclusion because it was seen as 'of a confidential matter' 

The Councils response to this is below.