Friday, 6 February 2015

Deal Taxpayers fund booze, gambling, gifts & 'tips' to tune of thousands of £'s via Mayors allowance in 1 year.

·        The New Transparency Policy of Deal Town Council has lead to the publishing of an admission that of Mayors £3,000 allowance for expenses,  £650 of tax payers money was spent on gifts, £737 on wine & other drinks, £250 on gambling, £140 on 'tips' and £65 to have his shenanigans captured on camera for posterity. On top of that £392 was not accounted for. There was some repentance as we also put £60 in a church collection plate for him. 

1) The mayor's allowance is £3,000, his accounts show he spent £2,658 yet he was paid £3,050 leaving £392 unaccounted for.
2) Of the £2,658 he says he spent, how much can he not prove and is it justifiable paying tax payers money for these things?
i) The twinning trip to St. Omer is not an overnight trip. The mayor chose to stay the night He also says he  bought gifts to take and bring back???   £280 expenses. Is this justified? B & B would be no more than £80 regardless, so £200 on gifts. FOR WHO AND WHY? Should we pay?
3) Charter Day wine. £120. In his notes, this mayor says he went to the supermarket and spent £120 on booze and the council refused to pay for it. Why would they refuse? What is Charter Day and does it require £120 worth of wine? We can see from this 2011 link that it involves a religious festival and prayers. Is the wine therefore 'Communion Wine' ? 

4) £250 in raffle tickets at events he attends.  Are prizes owned by the tax payer?
5) £617 on drinks.
6) £65 on disposable camera's and development fees so he could have a momento of his year.
 7) £165 on care for his elderly parent who he receives a carers allowance for from the government. He had already been paid to provide this care himself and should have given that over as he did not earn it.
8) Mayors tips in restaurants £140. He is so flash with our money!
9) £435 in Christmas presents, cards & stamps. WHO FOR?
10)  Lunch £56 that DTC refused to pay so he took from expenses.
10)  Church collection plate £60 Can he show a receipt? NO. Should Atheists  have to contribute to the church?
11) £25 for a regatta cup.
12) £40 for attending 4 charity events. His transport etc is separately arrange. Why is he asking a fee for supporting help the Heroes.

Source - Deal Town Council Records - Bill Gardener - Mayor of Deal May 2009 - April 2010