Friday, 25 October 2013

Was Councillor Chris Tough also bullied by Deal Town Councillors???

Deal Town Councillor Chris Tough along with two others recently went to Portugal funded by Deal Council Tax Payers. The purpose for the visit seemed irrelevant enough as neither  Councillor Tough  nor Deal Council are in any way involved in Youth Unemployment. Regardless of this it appears Mr Tough was persuaded/pressured not to spend his own money by Deal council as it might make those unable to afford it feel uncomfortable!!! Did the pressure put on Councillor Tough to waste tax payers money amount to bullying?

Below is taken from Councillor Toughs facebook page and is a response about the question of needing funding for an EU funded event and how his going would benefit the youth of Deal.

The answer didn't fully do justice to the question so the local resident asked for further information.

Councillor Tough opened his facebook page in June
Thought it time to have comments from the Mill Hill Community, how do they honestly perceive what I as a their representative be doing at the Town Council in viewing the Deal Town Council Web page week on week remembering I have my own career and sit as a representative on other local community groups for the Town Council and as member of different local groups.

He was asked for information about the trip twice more from someone in the Mill Hill community
'' Mill Hill Could you give more details on this please. First I would like to know what Deal Town Council has to do with youth unemployment and secondly, you said that it is funded by Europe but at a recent council meeting said £500 funds were allocated for this trip. Which version is correct?
Like · Reply · 1 · 25 September at 21:30''

Mill Hill Mill Hill I am still not sure what benefits there are from this meeting to the youth of Deal be it now or in the future. Perhaps you can expand a little on what you might learn whilst you are there and how you can then use this information in the future to benefit our town. Also I have read that 3 people are going to Portugal. Is the second conference you speak of in Portugal too? Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
Like · Reply · 27 September at 16:59

 As of yet he has not replied.

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