Tuesday, 27 May 2014

A reminder - The outcome of the legal case against Deryck Murray the Chairman and other trustees of DMM.

“Fencegate” A Press Statement by the family of Kathleen Thomson 17.10.2011

17 October 2011 at 21:02
A Press Statement by the family of Kathleen Thomson
We now feel it is appropriate to present the facts following Court appointed Mediation  on the 11th of August 2011 in Deal, between all the Trustees of the Deal Maritime and Local History Museum, and the family of Kathleen Thomson, with their legal representatives.  At the conclusion of Mediation the Trustees requested the confidentiality clause of the mediation document to be removed, thus enabling either party to disclose the contents of the agreement and the fact that Mediation has taken place, to any person legal or natural.

  1. Legal proceedings were issued by the Claimant (Mrs. Thomson) via her solicitors on 16th December 2010. 
  2. A fence was erected on 4th of June 2010, surrounding the kitchen walls, windows and covering the drain of 20 St. George’s Road; it was removed on the 23rd February 2011 restoring her right to light.
  3. The small garden previously leased to the occupants of 20 St. George’s Road for over thirty years was reclaimed by the museum Trustees on 31st January 2010. This land has now been transferred to the Claimant as part of the Settlement Agreement. 
  4. Simultaneously with the transfer of paragraph 3 there will be a variation of the established right of way.  Twenty-four hours notice to exercise this right of  way will be given when the museum is closed, and fifteen minutes notice when the museum is open. The right of way route remains across the museum yard to the back door of the museum building, and through the museum building to the front door. 
  5. Two contact telephone numbers are to be provided by the Trustees to the Claimant (Mrs. Thomson) for when she wishes to use her right of way.
  6. The Defendants (Trustees) will pay their own costs, and the Claimant’s costs.

Monday, 12 May 2014

10 Reasons Given By Those Signing The Petition Disagreeing With The Selection Of Deryck Murray As Mayor Of Deal.

The Mayor of our town should be someone who has the respect of the local populace. This mans appointment has divided opinion before he has even taken office, clearly he is the wrong man for the job.

The Deal town council is becoming an embarrassment to all the hard working people that live here. This man is not worthy of being our Mayor.

Mayor is an position that should be held by an honest upstanding person from the Community. This man is a Public disgrace and proven liar not fit for Public Office

A sickening lack of respect to the people of Deal. This individual has already shown his colours by bullying an old lady.

How can people respect and trust a man who hasn't shown any or earned any? his actions were vile, nobody like that should be put in a position of power!

Due to the fact this man lied and tried to defame a helpless old lady and was proven to be a liar. This reason is why he shouldn't be on the council let alone the mayor of my town.

Deryck Murray behaved with total arrogance and lack of Christian Charity in this most unfortunate matter for which he must be held totally responsible

Shameful behaviour of Deal Council to even consider this man for any position of trust

Such people should not be allowed in any form of public office, including charitable organisations.

The lady in question was totally vindicated in the ensuing court case. Mr Murray is also filmed making defamatory remarks against the elderly lady and is not fit for office.

Click Here To Sign Petition

Friday, 2 May 2014

Outrage at Mayors Selection Spurs Petition

A petition Deal Town Council to make a public record of the fact that we are in total disagreement with their selection of Councillor Deryck Murray as The Mayor of Deal.  We think it is disgusting that a man of such dishonourable character should be given the honour of representing the good people of the town.

Deryck Murray is the disgraced Chairman of the Trustees of Deal Maritime Museum who boarded up an elderly widow in her home of over 30 years,  she was denied her Right to Light and her Legal Right of Way, she was caused extreme upset by the trustees publishing lies about the lady, her family and anyone who tried to support her. Murray  made statements  to the press and on T.V. that following a legal case were proved to be lies. The £50,000 legal fees were put against the museum jeopardising  the future of the legacy belonging to the people of Deal. There were statements on public display in the museum window  ranging from misleading to downright lies signed by Deryck Murray. He and  the other trustee's caused uproar and upset to such an extent that 7,500 people signed a petition calling for the trustees removal from the museum.  Mrs Thomson was forced to leave her home, was caused so much distress that she lost a stone in weight in the first weeks of being abused and was put on anti depressants.  Her health never recovered from this and what should have been her happy twilight years were viciously robbed from her.

We urge local organisations to think twice about inviting this despicable man to any event that would usually be attended by town dignitaries !

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Fresh Concerns & Outrage By Deal Town Council Selection Of Mayor - Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire

At a meeting at Deal Town Hall tonight it was announced that Councillor Deryck Murray was nominated and seconded to be selected as Mayor.
Deryk Murray was the disgraced Chairman of the Trustees of Deal Maritime Museum who boarded up an elderly widow in her home of over 30 years,  she was denied her Right to Light and Her Legal Right of Way, causing extreme upset by publishing lies about the lady, her family and anyone who tried to support her. He made statement to the press and on T.V. that following a legal case were proved to be lies. There were statements on public display in the museum window  that wereranged from misleading to down right lies signed by Deryck Murray. He and  the other trustee's caused uproar and upset to such an extent that 7,500 people signed a petition calling for the trustees removal from the museum'
The following are the initial reactions by the towns people of Deal on Social Media  -
 '''To say that I am shocked by this is an understatement. What an utter insult to the people of Deal to think anyone could respect a man who caused the most outrageous and disgusting situation for a frail widow of 82. She never recovered the shock of what they did to her and what should of been her happy twilight years was robbed from her by their hideous behavior.''

'''Loooool! Why am I not at all surprised! The town council is a joke! They r all in it to line their own pockets and stuff the local residents! Rant over!'''

''''That's depressing''''

''' It just gets worse and worse'''

''' Why are they not voted in by the people of Deal. So happy I'm gonna be paying this idiots expenses!!!!!!!!'''

''' Idiotic chimps' tea party and unaccountable. A cosy talking shop that serves little purpose, other than blocking everything that's good about the town - and there is so much that is. Keep politics out of town halls and local government .'''

'''I cant believe it!!!!'''

'''He is a disgusting man.'''

'''I cannot even comprehend why he would be selected.  An insult to the justice Kath Thompson finally received through the legal challenge. What a smack in the mouth. I feel sad beyond belief that this is what they have come to.'''

''' I think they shud make him step down before he steps up. Do they not realise how ridiculous this makes them all look.'''