Thursday, 1 May 2014

Fresh Concerns & Outrage By Deal Town Council Selection Of Mayor - Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire

At a meeting at Deal Town Hall tonight it was announced that Councillor Deryck Murray was nominated and seconded to be selected as Mayor.
Deryk Murray was the disgraced Chairman of the Trustees of Deal Maritime Museum who boarded up an elderly widow in her home of over 30 years,  she was denied her Right to Light and Her Legal Right of Way, causing extreme upset by publishing lies about the lady, her family and anyone who tried to support her. He made statement to the press and on T.V. that following a legal case were proved to be lies. There were statements on public display in the museum window  that wereranged from misleading to down right lies signed by Deryck Murray. He and  the other trustee's caused uproar and upset to such an extent that 7,500 people signed a petition calling for the trustees removal from the museum'
The following are the initial reactions by the towns people of Deal on Social Media  -
 '''To say that I am shocked by this is an understatement. What an utter insult to the people of Deal to think anyone could respect a man who caused the most outrageous and disgusting situation for a frail widow of 82. She never recovered the shock of what they did to her and what should of been her happy twilight years was robbed from her by their hideous behavior.''

'''Loooool! Why am I not at all surprised! The town council is a joke! They r all in it to line their own pockets and stuff the local residents! Rant over!'''

''''That's depressing''''

''' It just gets worse and worse'''

''' Why are they not voted in by the people of Deal. So happy I'm gonna be paying this idiots expenses!!!!!!!!'''

''' Idiotic chimps' tea party and unaccountable. A cosy talking shop that serves little purpose, other than blocking everything that's good about the town - and there is so much that is. Keep politics out of town halls and local government .'''

'''I cant believe it!!!!'''

'''He is a disgusting man.'''

'''I cannot even comprehend why he would be selected.  An insult to the justice Kath Thompson finally received through the legal challenge. What a smack in the mouth. I feel sad beyond belief that this is what they have come to.'''

''' I think they shud make him step down before he steps up. Do they not realise how ridiculous this makes them all look.'''


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